Presentation of Vassilopoulos Bros S.A.
Introduction to potential partners
A few words
about the company
Our company, Vassilopoulos Bros S.A. operates in the field of fertilizers' production since 1971 and specializes in the production of organic (organic-chemical), biological, soil-amending, water-soluble fertilizers and composts.
The Mission, the Vision and the Principles of our company are mentioned below:
The Mission of our company is both the production and distribution to growers, of high quality, innovative and revolutionary organic-chemical, biological, soil-amending fertilizers and composts for an integrated fertilization of crops culture with a simultaneous improvement of the fertility and structure of the soil, as well as an improvement of crops' performance.
The Vision of our company is to assist remodel cultivation values in general towards the production of quality fertilizers, always respecting the environment. Our company pursues to maintain its leadership in the Greek Market and establish as one of the dominant and most remarkable in its category in the area of South-Eastern Europe.
Our company's main principles are the following:
Honesty – Respect
High quality of Products and Services
Long-lasting partnerships with both customers and suppliers
Well-trained personnel
Sustainable development
General information and company's products
The most important products of our company
«Golden Humus M-80»
«Biohumous Leonardite V.P.»
Indicatively, the most popular product ranges produced by our company, per fertilizer category, are the following:
Organic/ Organic-Chemical fertilizers: «Complehumosan M-80» and «Humo Vas M-80» product lines are specialized, compound organic-chemical fertilizers (with trace elements) with unbeatable results targeting to the rational fertilisation of crops, covering in this way plant needs in all nutritional elements improving at the same time soil fertility and stricture. It is worth mentioning that many customers who tried these products have become ''loyal''.
Biological fertilizers: «Super Eco-Vas» and «Oftel» product lines were created in order to compete standard types of fertilisers. In the beginning of the attempt, this target seemed to be unachievable. The application of these types was reaching 50% of the results of standard products. After ten (10) years of research in finding the ideal (appropriate and qualitative) raw materials and trials regarding the best fertilization times, the most effective techniques / methods of fertilization and the ideal quantity per occasion, we have managed to succeed in what has initially seemed to be impossible. These products bring better or at least equivalent quantity results compared with the standard ones, but more than improved in terms of quality. Moreover, applying these products to crops, growers actively contribute to environmental protection.
Composts: In the category of composts, «Compost Torf» product line has acquired loyal customers in the Greek Market. This type is also used in Biological Agriculture as it is composed by 93% of high quality white peat (in contrast to black peat, blonde has a very low water content, low moisture content and thus the amount of white peat that can fit in a bag is almost double compared to that occupied by the black) and it is supplemented with perlite and biological fertilizer (Super-Eco-Vas).
It is noteworthy that 80% of customers who bought one of our company's products once, stay active until today.Benefits and comparative advantages of our products
Improvement of soil structure, ensured by the presence of «Golden Humus M-80» in all our product types.
Improvement of soil fertility through enrichment with beneficial microorganisms and activation already existing microbial population in the soil.
Release, protection (organic-mineral molecules) and mobilization of bound nutrients (cations) in soil colloids.
Adjustment of soil P.H.
Protection of fertilizer nutrients from bindings or leaching (protection of the groundwater table) and utilization of inorganic fertilizers coming from previous fertilizations.
Direct provision of humic-fulvic acids to the plant since the first stages of its growth.
Improvement of soil's moisture capacity and growth of a rich root system.
Temperature increase in the plant's rhizosphere (because of the product's black colour) and, also, protection from low temperatures (frost).
Improved soil analysis with more organic substance
Increase of production and quality improvement of products manufactured
Accomplishment of plants' longevity and stoutness
The best solution for denitrification
Comparative benefits of our products compared to alternative market solutions
Integrated and balanced nourishment, without losses: clustering of N-P-K units both with trace elements and the organic substance («Golden Humus M-80») results to the supply of all nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium units without losses (they are not washable, as it happens with the application of inorganic fertilizers to crops) providing thus full nourishment, steadily and effectively.
Resource saving: Applying our products in plants full nourishment is achieved; no additional fertilization actions are necessary, unlike the widely popular method of fertilization (of soil-amending, inorganic fertilizers and trace elements) in two or three different stages. This results to resource saving (reduced time, minimization of fertilization costs). Three fertilizations in one are achieved.
Figure 1 presents comparative benefits of our products compared to alternative market choices.

The most appropriate areas to apply our products
Features of environmental conditions (climate, soil, etc.), where our products present comparative benefits related to competitive ones.
Despite the fact that our products are mainly used where products of other companies are also used, in adverse environmental conditions (climate, soil, plant stoutness) they present strong comparative benefits against all others.
In adverse environmental conditions, plants should be healthy and have very strong defence mechanisms. With the addition of the organic substance («Golden Humus M-80»), trace elements and N-P-K units to our products, its nourishment is complete, balanced and more effective compared to the performances presented by other competitive products on the market. Furthermore, the application of our products on crops improves soil fertility and structure and effectively regulates P.H. (calcium or sulphur is also included in our products). As a result, the plant is shielded and may develop appropriate defence mechanisms.
Features of soils where our products are ideal for use
Sandy soils with organic substance deficiency:
- Coastal areas with agricultural development
- Areas / places with desert (e.g. Africa etc.)
Systematically cultivated soils:
- Areas where horticultural products are cultivated (tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, etc.)
- Areas where cereals, cotton are cultivated
In soils with calcium deficiency (low P.H. acidic soils):
- In mountainous areas
- In coastal areas
In solils with high P.H. ( alkaline soils)
Products presenting penetration ease and introduction speed in new markets
Golden Humus M-80:Especially in sandy soil areas or in greenhouses
Complehumosan N4 +Fe+Zn+B:(4-8-17+2+5%FeSO4+1%ZnSO4+0,3B+36%Org. Fertilizers): Especially in areas with horticultural plants , vineyards and olives
Complehumosan 10-8-18:(+3MgO+2FeSO4+1Bor): Especially in areas with horticultural plants, pomaceous fruits and peach trees areas
Profi Plus:Especially in areas where horticultural products and vineyards are cultivated
Complehumosan N3 + B:(10-8-12+3+0,3B+40%Org. Fertilizers)
Complehumosan N2-Calcium:(4-8-12+3+0,3B+1% ZnSO4+20%CaCO3+31% Organic fertilizers)
Super Eco-Vas 5-8-17:(5-8-17+3+2%FeSO4+1%ZnSO4+1%Borax)
Super Eco-Vas:(10-0-0+1%Borax)
Features of customers we wish to approach
For us, the following features are considered to be very positive:
- Exclusive resellers
- Reliable customers interested in qualitative work
- Customers interested in long-lasting partnerships
Features of companies we would like to do business with / Partnership types we try to achieve
The goal of our company is to conclude strategic partnerships with reliable companies able to promote of crops' fertilization products in international fertilization markets. Our company looks forward to long-lasting partnerships aimed at a common vision and mutual profit.
Our company evaluates positively the following features in every new potential partner:
Targeting and provision of high quality services,
Indisputable promotion abilities of fertilizers in international markets,
Wide customer network,
Partners who aim at mutual trust and respect relations
Companies which adopt all our company values
Countries to which our company exports and our goal
Our company currently exports to Cyprus, Skopje, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia. In these countries, our company has long-lasting partnerships with customers, going back even ten years.
Our short-term aim is to find partners with the appropriate know-how, network and experience to promote our products, mainly in international markets, where our products have significantly comparative advantages compared to other products provided as alternative solutions.
Indicative customers of our company